Call Your Representative – Support Secure the Border Act
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Call Your Representative – Support Secure the Border Act

HR 2 has been attached to House Continuing Resolution.  Click to learn more. The day  Joe Biden was inaugurated, he halted the construction of the border wall and began enacting a series of policies to incentivize historically massive levels of illegal immigration. Since January 20, 2021, over 6 Million illegal migrants have crossed into our…

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September 2022 Meeting Recap

Greg Beyer opened the meeting with prayer and pledge. Dan Adams introduced Dustin Smith (Sheriff Elect) to give us an update.  Dustin gave a very motivating speech highlighting the Constitutional Sheriff training he has received and that our group paid for.  We then collected enough money to send two more deputies to the training!  Dustin…

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Hard Questions We Need to Ask About Election Integrity

Hard Questions “We the People” need to ask… Why did the Main Stream Media (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX) decide not to air the President’s speech in front of our hallowed Independence Hall in Philadelphia? He stated that MAGA is the greatest threat to our democracy. MAGA stands for – “Make America Great Again”. How…

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November Meeting Recap

Our meeting was held once again at the Comfort Grub. The owners opened up the main part of the restaurant for our group so it was very roomy and comfortable.  We had a very lively attendance of approximately 50 members. We all enjoyed great food and fellowship from 5:30 to 6:30, followed by the meeting…