Nominee Petition

Trump Nominees Petition

President Trump needs our support to have his cabinet and sub-cabinet nominee’s confirmed by the U.S. Senate.  Sign the petition AND contact your senator to have his nominees confirmed: NC Sen. Ted Budd(R) (202)224-3154 NC Sen. Thom Tillis(R) (202)224-6342 GA Sen. Raphael Warnock(D) (202) 224-3643 GA Sen. Jon Ossoff(D) (202) 224-3521


We have an information packed spectacular meeting in store for you at the Citizens for a Better America monthly meeting, Thursday, Nov. 21st 2024  at Legends Steakhouse, 42 Tennessee Street Murphy, NC 28906, in the private large meeting room.  That is downtown, next to the movie theater.  Food orders start at 5:00, Meeting starts Promptly at 6:00…

April 18th Meeting

Citizens For A Better America April 18 MEETING RECAP And MORE 33 patriots present $118 donations collected…Thank you all for your support! Important Dates To Remember: May 16, CBA Meeting. We will be hosting Commissioner Ben Adams Town Hall Meeting May 14, Primary Run-off, Vote in person at your precinct George Tamaro of 1776 Restoration…

March 21st Meeting

Are you happy about the way things are going in this country? Come and join like-minded patriots to our monthly meeting of Citizens For A Better America. We are uniting to promote FREEDOM & CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, PEACEFULLY & PATRIOTICALLY! Meeting is Thursday, March 21st, at the Legends Steak House in the large private meeting room,…


Feb. 15 meeting will be focusing on the upcoming primary election. We will host as many candidates that we can fit in. You will hear from local School Board, Commissioner, state Lt. Gov. & Gov. candidates (longer distance candidates may be a zoom call) and more. Are you happy about the way things are going…

JAN 18, 2024 MEETING

ROCK THE VOTE!!!! Jan. 18 & Feb. 15 meetings, will be focusing on the upcoming primary election. We will host as many candidates that we can fit in. You will hear from local School Board, Commissioner, state Lt. Gov. & Gov. candidates (longer distance candidates may be a zoom call) and more. Are you happy…