March 16th Meeting Recap, and Slides
Penny Johnson opened the meeting with a prayer and pledge
Greg Beyer introduced the guest speaker…Stephanie Kruez from Heritage Action for America via remote call. It was a great presentation from Stephanie. Join and become a Sentinel. For more information source of information, toolkits, strategy calls, ect… There were some handouts passed out and more available at next meeting.
Penny introduced Bill Gelert, candidate for Local GOP Chair.
Penny updated on activities and such. Next meeting is April 20 at Legends Restaurant in Murphy. Guest speaker will be 1776 Restoration Movement founder David Ridel. This is a National Movement that we need to be a part of.
It was brought up and discussed by show of hands by members at meeting that we need more space to grow, should eating be involved, and other locations. If you have any input please respond.
CBA has reserved a booth space at the Murphy Spring Fling, May 6, 11-7, (rain date May 7) to hand out flyers, recruit new members, increase mailing list. HELP IS NEEDED! Please contact Penny 828-494-7403 or if you can give an hour or two.
Free bumper stickers are still available
Donation jar was passed and $150 collected.
Greg Beyer gave an update on the Young Harris leachate dumping
Greg gave a Federal Legislative update
Closing prayer given by Shanon Ray of the 1776 Restoration Movement
Thank you all for coming. There were 50 present!
CBA meeting slides are here: CBA_meeting-3-16-23 (PDF)