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Call to Action — Defeat Biden Fuel Rule!

Submit YOUR public comment and STOP Biden’s Fuel Rule – He wants to take away YOUR car or truck!

In April 2023, the Biden administration used the Environmental Protection Agency to put forward a rule to add even more regulations on gas car emissions with the goal of cutting gas car sales down to 36% of the market over the next 9 years.  Now, Biden is doubling down with a second regulation to kill gas cars by 2032.

Biden is using the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) to raise fuel efficiency standards to an almost impossibly high level: 66 mpg for passenger cars and 54 mpg for pick-up trucks.

This regulation would impose massive costs on the consumer by requiring auto makers to sell electric vehicles that drivers do not want instead of the gasoline-powered cars and hybrids that they currently buy. The regulation appears purposefully designed to crush the production of gas vehicles.

Submit a comment to Oppose this Regulation:

You have until October 16th to submit your comment.  Public opposition can stop regulations from being implemented and can help defeat them in court.  Every unique objection raised in a comment must be addressed in a public response from the Biden administration.  YOUR comments will contribute to gumming up the Biden regime rule-making madness!

Personal comments are best! Make edits to the provided template and share how this regulation would affect you, your family, or your business.

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