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November 2022 Meeting Recap
No Dec. CBA meeting. Merry Christmas Next CBA meeting Jan. 19 Greg Beyer opened with a prayer and pledge. Penny Johnson updated on Constitutional Sheriff Seminar planned for our area. A planning committee is in place & a meeting is set with Sheriff Dustin Smith to plan details. Penny introduced guest speaker Dr. Keevin Woody,…
November Meeting Recap
Our meeting was held once again at the Comfort Grub. The owners opened up the main part of the restaurant for our group so it was very roomy and comfortable. We had a very lively attendance of approximately 50 members. We all enjoyed great food and fellowship from 5:30 to 6:30, followed by the meeting…
Patriots: There will be a protest/demonstration, peaceful & patriotic, Sat. Nov. 20, downtown Murphy, 10 AM-12:00, rain or shine. Join Citizens for a Better America with your signs. Permit is for max. 30 people so please call or text Dan if you plan to be there or for further information at (828)361-5422. This is in…
January 20th Meeting Recap
The January 22d meeting was opened with Greg Beyer leading the pledge of allegiance and a sincere prayer to God Dan Adams reminded all of our peaceful protest this Saturday on the square in Murphy. This also coincides with a worldwide protest directed against the vaccine mandates. Vince, One of our members, reminded us all…
December 16th Meeting Recap
Once again, we enjoyed a productive evening of education and networking and great food at Comfort Grub. Pastor Jim Payne delivered sound guidance that not only should Christians engage in the public political debate, but also described in detail HOW we must engage. We are called to bring the light of Christ to the political…
Georgia Mountain Patriots Needed For Poll Watching
Help Us Keep Our Elections Fair! Georgia Mountain Patriots Needed For Poll Watching Flyer (PDF) Our Communities are some of the best & safest places in Georgia to Vote. We Need Your Help To Keep It This Way! Training Is Free and Takes About An Hour Meet Nationally Recognized Garland Favorito! of VoterGA Sponsored…