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January 20th Meeting Recap

The January 22d meeting was opened with Greg Beyer leading the pledge of allegiance and a sincere prayer to God

Dan Adams reminded all of our peaceful protest this Saturday on the square in Murphy. This also coincides with a worldwide protest directed against the vaccine mandates.  Vince, One of our members, reminded us all that having cards for our group and passing them out during our normal activities is a very good way to spread the word and getting new members.

Also the next meeting of the Cherokee County Jural Assembly is Friday the 28th at the Warrior Veterans Outreach 46 Valley River Ave, basement level. FMI contact Chris solena71@protonmail.com

Greg Beyer gave the legislative report with several encouraging victories including killing the Build Back Broke bill and preserving the filibuster.

Dick Leineke gave a live demonstration of Ham Radio Operators calling in testing the equipment, this is a weekly event for the radio club.

Convention of States Progress Map
Click to enlarge

Wes Sommers re-introduced the Convention of States.  We now have 17 States which have passed their resolution for an United States Constitution Article Five convention of states.  34 are required so the Convention of States Project is half-way there!

Chris Hall and Dan Adams gave an update on the Jural Assembly… how we are moving ahead and expanding to adjacent counties. We also took up a collection for the cost of advertising the state announcement of this group in the USA Today Magazine raising $234 dollars which was very demonstrative of how our group answers the call! A big thank you to all!

Ron Wright gave an update on the Crypto-mining issue which continues to be a county annoyance.

Jason Murphy, school board candidate, Cal Stiles seeking reelection to County Commissioner seat, and John Worden seeking a County Commissioners seat, all gave short speeches.

The night finished up with a very extensive explanation of the Ham Radio operation with Dee Anthony. Unfortunately we ran out of time and were not able to activate and use our radios, we may have a follow-up workshop. The idea of the Ham Radio orientation is so we can still know what’s going on in the world in the event of a black out.

Our next meeting has been moved to Monday, Feb 21st, still at the Comfort Grub, 5:00 to start the meal and 6:00-7:30 for the meeting. This is a new day of the week and time so please take note. We will have the entire restaurant as a private party and not have to compete with the restaurant noise! Lots of room so bring a friend. See you all there! Flyer attached.

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