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November Meeting Recap

Our meeting was held once again at the Comfort Grub. The owners opened up the main part of the restaurant for our group so it was very roomy and comfortable.  We had a very lively attendance of approximately 50 members. We all enjoyed great food and fellowship from 5:30 to 6:30, followed by the meeting which lasted until 8:30 p.m.

Rod Honeycutt photoPenny Johnson opened with a prayer and the pledge then introduced Rod Honeycutt.  He is the Republican candidate for the newly configured NC Congressional District 14. Madison Cawthorn will not run for our district during the next election.  Rod gave a great 40 minute speech citing his very extensive military career and reminding us he is not a politician. Several questions were posed by the members and he handled them adequately.

Dan Adams then covered CBA’s action activities. Our 3rd Peaceful Protest was announced for Nov 20th Saturday on the square in Murphy.  As of this date is was held and we had 15 energetic participants, with signs of all types, which had drivers honking and giving thumbs up (well mostly thumbs up!). ;-D

Dan also passed around a letter to be sent to the 13 U.S. House of Representatives RINO’s who voted for the infrastructure bill and were actually instrumental in getting it passed — shame on them!  We will be posting this letter on the site shortly.

Greg gave the legislative report on the “Equality Act”, Mr. Biden’s plan to pay illegal aliens reparations for being separated from their families when they were apprehended illegally crossing the border, Mr. Biden’s illegal vaccine mandates which are now crumbling, and a new nominee who we need to oppose.

This brings us to our two Calls to Action:

  • First, submit your public comment to the Biden OSHA vaccine mandates rule.  Tell your detailed story why this rule will hurt you, or your business, why it should not apply to you (you have natural immunity, your have religious reservations, you have health concerns, and any other reasons)   Get started now, you probably have a lot to say about this rule overreach.  The deadline for submission is Monday, December 6th.  
  • Second, call your senators and tell them to vote NO on the confirmation of Saule Omarova to Comptroller of the Currency.
    • She was a member of a communist youth organization when she was growing up in the Soviet Union (no, not the current Russian Federation).
    • She called for the “debanking” of oil and gas companies to  “starve them of their source of capital”
    • University thesis: “Karl Marx’s Economic Analysis and the Theory of Revolution in The Capital.” – All nominees are required to provide ALL WRITINGS to confirmation committee, but she refuses to provide her thesis to Senate.  We wonder what she wants to hide?
    • She is hostile to your local community banks – called to eliminate all community banks and to transfer all bank deposits to “FedAccounts” at the Federal Reserve.  Talk about total government surveillance of your bank activity!
    • Comptroller serves FIVE YEARS – she would survive a one-term Biden presidency.
    • Yeah – she’s a real communist, capitalist-hating piece of work.  Biden wants her to have great influence over banking and financial policy.

Under Special Interest groups Penny introduced Leslie Gibson who is running for Cherokee Co. Board of Education.  Next, Chris Hall and Dan Adams summarized the Assembly project and made a call to action as we need 15 Patriots to join and commit to the cause. That was easily accomplished and as of this date a formal meeting was held on Saturday 11/20 with a committed group to forge on. You can get more info at www.national-assembly.net but in essence we are joining in with many states and counties already forming a government by WE THE PEOPLE as outlined under the Bill of Rights.

Dan reminded all about the bumper stickers, I’m a Proud Member of the Citizens for a Better America, for $2.00 each can be purchased. Yard signs with same message for $20 and $30 each depending on size. These can be ordered on request.

Time was left for an open floor. A few came forward with announcements and concerns.

Rod Honeycutt gave a closing prayer.  All was Good!

Next CBA meeting is Dec. 16, at Comfort Grub.

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