
Oppose ATF Nominee David Chipman — Call your senator!

Mr. Biden has nominated a candidate to head the Department of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) who is completely incompetant and unsuited for the position.    Call your senator and tell them to vote NO on David Chipman’s confirmation.

NC Sen. Richard Burr(R) (202)224-3154
NC Sen. Thom Tillis(R) (202)224-6342

GA Sen. Raphael Warnock(D) (202) 224-3643
GA Sen. Jon Ossoff(D) (202) 224-3521

  • Mr Chipman, during his senate confirmation hearing called for banning all semi-automatic rifles, larger than .22 caliber.  This would include all AR-15 style weapons and nearly all semi-automatic rifles manufactured in the last 80 years.
  • During his confirmation hearing, Mr. Chipman could not define what an “assault rifle” is, this despite the fact that he worked for 22 years at the ATF.
  • He has no regard for the Supreme Court D.C. v Heller ruling, in which the Court made clear that the right to bear arms is an individual right, as opposed to a right only for members of an organized militia.  He has stated his intent to register, then confiscate any weapon he does not like anyway.
  • Has complete contempt for armed citizens, dismissing gun buyers as fearful and preparing “for end times scenarios and zombie apocalypses.”
  • He used ignorant stereotypes to insult gun owners: “Secure that gun, locked and unloaded and hide it behind the cans of tuna and beef jerky that you have stored in a cabinet and only bring that out if the zombies start to appear.”
  • Chipman is a racial bigot.  A former ATF agent claimed Chipman was reviewing exam results from individuals wishing to be a Special Agent in Charge when he allegedly said in front of multiple witnesses:“Wow, there were an unusually large number of African American agents that passed the exam this time. They must have been cheating.”
  • When Chipman left the ATF to work for Everytown for Gun Safety and Giffords Law Center campaign, he walked away from law enforcement and became a very well-paid anti-constitutional activist.
  • Refuses to release his personnel record to clarify the allegation of his bigotry, and which could also clarify the allegation made my multiple former ATF co-workers that he LOST his ATF service weapon on multiple occasions.
  • Chipman headed up the Mexico ATF office throughout Operation Fast and Furious, which involved selling arms to Mexican drug cartels and eventually resulted in the deaths of at least 150 Mexicans and United State Border Patrol Officer Brian Terry.

So call your senator and let them know that David Chipman is a huge NO, on so many different fronts, to direct the ATF.


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