Our Commitments
We are joined together to make our voices heard, to actively defend our liberties and uphold our rights according to our Constitution. We will keep politicians accountable, and encourage like-minded citizens, peacefully and patriotically!
Our nation has arrived at a place and time when we can no longer go about our routine lives, quietly going along, or at most complaining about the direction of our country, but only to those closest to us. We don’t usually get involved in politics — we think that’s for politicians, and besides, we’re busy working for a living, and taking care of our loved ones.
But, now, we see that something is seriously wrong in our country. As citizens who love our community, and love our country, we feel an obligation to speak out, to tell our elected leaders how we feel, and especially how we want them to vote.
- We see the left in our country, represented by one of the major mainstream political parties, striking any mention of God from their party platform.
(Christian Headlines, 2012) (Washington Post, 2012)
We say God belongs front and center in our public and private lives.
- We see politicians blithely give away our God-given freedoms to government bureaucrats, and to foreign or “one-world” oriented organizations.
We say NO! We are a free people. We are not subjects, beholden to un-elected technocrats of Washington D.C or elsewhere.
We reject any ursurpation of our national sovereignty by foreign nations or organizations unless by a treaty duly ratified by the United States Senate.
U.S. Constitution, Art II Sec. 2
- We see politicians who think the United States Constitution and our Bill of Rights is IN THEIR WAY. We see judges who think the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is a thing to be molded based on flavor-of-the-day sentiments.
We say YES! The Constitution IS IN YOUR WAY, and for a very good reason — the individual citizen is preeminent! Your specific, limited powers are enumerated in the Constitution. Full Stop. “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
U.S. Constitution, 10th Amendment (Bill of Rights)
The Constitution shall be interpreted AS WRITTEN, not twisted or molded to fit the personal beliefs of individual judges.