WCNG/WCVP 8/15 Radio Interview
Listen to Penny and Dan’s interview with Max Norton on WCNG.
Listen to Penny and Dan’s interview with Max Norton on WCNG.
Thursday, Nov. 18, food orders at 5:30, meeting from 6:30-8:30. We will stay with the Comfort Grub (5722 US 64, West of Murphy). We are finding the food and the service to be very good there! We are bursting at the seams in the meeting room so eating and the meeting will be in the…
Calling all patriots! There is a meeting of Citizens For A Better America and you are invited. Thursday, Aug. 18, eat at 5:00, meeting is at 6:00-7:30 at the Brasstown Community Center, 55 Settawig Rd., Brasstown, There will be a food truck on site. This months topic will be “VOTING INTEGRITY”. Everyone is invited…
Penny Johnson opened the meeting with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Penny then gave an in-depth recap of the Sheriff Mack constitutional sheriff effort. We may be able to organize and in person presentation by Sheriff Mack and expand the qualification program to all deputies and also appointed officials who take an oath…
Feb. 15 meeting will be focusing on the upcoming primary election. We will host as many candidates that we can fit in. You will hear from local School Board, Commissioner, state Lt. Gov. & Gov. candidates (longer distance candidates may be a zoom call) and more. Are you happy about the way things are going…
Our next meeting will be this Thursday the 28th, again at the Comfort Grub restaurant, 5722 US 64 W, (west of 19/129), Murphy. This month we will be in the main dining room — lots more room for the large crowd! Come and eat at 5:30 p.m., then be ready for a lively meeting at…
Oct. 28 – Next meeting for Citizens for a Better America at Comfort Grub Restaurant, 5722 US 64 W, (west of 19/129), Murphy. We will be seated in the dining room to eat, then we will move to the meeting room with chairs only. We will not be overcrowded so bring a friend! Food orders…