

Patriots: There will be a protest/demonstration, peaceful & patriotic, Sat. Nov. 20, downtown Murphy, 10 AM-12:00, rain or shine. Join Citizens for a Better America with your signs. Permit is for max. 30 people so please call or text Dan if you plan to be there or for further information at (828)361-5422. This is in…

November 18th Meeting

Thursday, Nov. 18, food orders at 5:30, meeting from 6:30-8:30. We will stay with the Comfort Grub (5722 US 64, West of Murphy). We are finding the food and the service to be very good there! We are bursting at the seams in the meeting room so eating and the meeting will be in the…

Biden’s Illegal Vaccine Mandates

The totalitarian dictator’s patience with his “subjects” is wearing thin!  Earlier this month, Mr. Biden announced an executive order that all federal employees and contractors must receive a COVID-19 vaccination by December.  He also ordered OSHA to issue an emergency rule requiring that businesses having more than 100 employees require that their employees be vaccinated…

CBA bumper sticker

Get Your Citizens Bumper Stickers and Yard Sign!

      We now have our own bumper stickers for sale!  Spread the word about Citizens, get your friends and neighbors involved.  They are standard bumper sticker size of 3″x11″ and are $2.00 each, available at meetings. We also have yard signs available.  One will be on display at our meetings.  They are 18″x24″,…


Patriots: There will be a protest/demonstration, peaceful & patriotic, this Sat. downtown Murphy, 10 AM-12:00, rain or shine. Join Citizens for a Better America with your signs…whatever you are feeling passionate about! Permit is for max. 30 people so please call or text Dan if you plan to be there or for further information at…


Oct. 28 – Next meeting for Citizens for a Better America at Comfort Grub Restaurant, 5722 US 64 W, (west of 19/129), Murphy. We will be seated in the dining room to eat, then we will move to the meeting room with chairs only. We will not be overcrowded so bring a friend! Food orders…


ATF Nominee Chipman — FAILED!

Great news — your voice has been heard loud and clear!  Yet another defeat has been handed to the Biden administration.  The 2nd Amendment-hating, Constitution-hating, gun grabber and bigot David Chipman has been recognized by both Democrats and Republican senators as overly divisive.  The Biden administration has seen the light, and pulled his nomination for…