Impeach Biden

Grounds for Impeachment of Mr. Joe Biden

On the One Year Anniversary of the Fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban, we must never forget the disgusting, traitorous behavior of Joe Biden. Mr. Biden betrayed and humiliated our nation before the world, and severely damaged the reputation of reliability and steadfastnesss of the United States with our allies by his hurried, chaotic withdrawal…


  Calling all patriots! There is a meeting of Citizens For A Better America and you are invited. Thursday, Aug. 18, eat at 5:00, meeting is at 6:00-7:30 at the Brasstown Community Center, 55 Settawig Rd., Brasstown, There will be a food truck on site. This months topic will be “VOTING INTEGRITY”. Everyone is invited…

Defeat Title IX Change

Biden Re-defining Gender – Title IX Call to Action!

We have been warning you for months of the Biden regime’s radical “woke” intentions to change Title IX to redefine “sex”.   Well, the rule change has just been announced, to define “sex” to include sexual orientation, and gender identity.  It is now YOUR TURN to flood the Department of Education (DOE) with public comments. …


July 21 will be the next meeting of Citizens For A Better America. Everyone is welcome, bring a friend! We will be meeting at the Brasstown Community Center, 255 Settawig Rd. in Brasstown. A food truck will be on site to eat at 5:00. Meeting is 6:00-7:30.


Calling all patriots! There is a meeting of Citizens For A Better America and you are invited. Thursday, June 23, eat at 5:00, meeting is at 6:00-7:30 at the Brasstown Community Center, 255 Serrawig Rd., Brasstown, NC. Smokey Mountain BBQ food truck will be on site. Guest speaker is “Doc” from Cherokee Guns plus a…

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Recap of Citizens Meeting 5/25/2022

Meeting Recap The March meeting for Citizens for a Better America was held on May 25th at Rib Country.  We had a lively crowd of about 55 Patriots and fantastic “Q”! Dan Adams opened the meeting with a prayer remembering the Texas massacre victims, followed with the pledge of Allegiance. Sheriff Dustin Smith Penny Johnson…


Next CBA meeting will be Monday, April 25, at El Manzanillo Mexican Restaurant (in Hickory Oaks Plaza), 1370 W. US Highway 64, Murphy. Meal orders at 5:00 (full menu offered), meeting 6-7:30 PM. We will have a whole section of the restaurant with plenty of room, bring a friend!

Pass Convention of States Resolution in NC

Pass Convention of States Resolution in NC

  The North Carolina House passed the Convention of States (COS) resolution in 2021.  Two NC senators are standing in the way of NC becoming the 19th state to ratify the COS resolution.  Our members need to contact: Sen. Rabun, Senate Rules Committee Chair (919) 733-5963 – Sen. Berger, Senate President Pro Tempore (919)…