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October 20 Meeting Recap

  • Penny Johnson opened the meeting with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Penny then gave an in-depth recap of the Sheriff Mack constitutional sheriff effort.
  • We may be able to organize and in person presentation by Sheriff Mack and expand the qualification program to all deputies and also appointed officials who take an oath to office.
  • We need help to make the group Sheriff class happen here in Murphy.
  • Please contact Penny if you can be on that task force. 828 494 7403 or cockapoos4U@yahoo.com
  • Dan Adams reminded members of the upcoming meeting dates Nov 17th and Dec 15th, and sent out a special thank you to Wendy Beyer for organizing a delicious meal tonight.
  • Dan offered the movie “2000 Mules” on DVD for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet, it will be passed around on request.
  • Sample ballot forms and CBA flyers were passed around
  • After a request to pay for the meeting hall donations, over $100 was raised. The head count for this meeting was 44!
  • Penny then introduced Margaret Ackiss who is very active personality in the political arena.  Margaret gave a resounding speech citing many inequities in local government and how several individuals have overstepped their authority and perhaps infringed on Constitutional rights. The crowd was very much influenced by her presentation.
  • Chris Hall gave an update on the Jural Assembly
  • Greg Beyer gave an update on the leachate dumping issue and congressional “lame duck” spending.
  • Young Harris water treatment plant permit by the GA EPD expired in March.  Young Harris did not provide any monitoring data of heavy metals as required by the EPD permit it was operating under.  Greg has requested full disclosure and fresh data from Young Harris.
  • As for “Lame Duck” congressional spending, we all need to contact our congressional representatives NOW and insist that they support ONLY a Continuing Resolution (CR) when the current spending bill expires on 12/16.  That expiration date was no accident – it was planned by Pelosi to expire just before Christmas so that congressional representatives would just approve anything so that they can go home.
  • Outgoing Dems should not be permitted to set spending priorities and levels for the incoming, Republican Congress.  DO NOT accept an omnibus spending bill devised by Nancy Pelosi.  We must light a fire under our reps and senators NOW, tell them that we know the game being played, and we will accept ONLY a CR.
  • Six States have filed suit against the Biden regime in response to his attempt to shift student debt onto the backs of the general population.  The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals put the program on hold temporarily late on 10/21 in response to a lawsuit from the six Republican-led states.
  • We had an open discussion period and had many members contributing ideas and a lot of follow up thoughts on the Leachate issue and how this needs to be brought to the public’s attention.
  • James Keenum gave a very nice closing prayer.

Meeting slides are availabe here as a PDF – CBA_meeting-10-20-22

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