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October 20 Meeting Recap
Penny Johnson opened the meeting with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Penny then gave an in-depth recap of the Sheriff Mack constitutional sheriff effort. We may be able to organize and in person presentation by Sheriff Mack and expand the qualification program to all deputies and also appointed officials who take an oath…
MEETING FEB. 21, 2022
Our next meeting has been moved to Monday, Feb 21st, still at the Comfort Grub, 5:00 to start the meal and 6:00-7:30 for the meeting. This is a new day of the week and time so please take note. We will have the entire restaurant as a private party and not have to compete with…
Citizens for a Better America at Murphy Art Walk 5/7
We will have a table at the Murphy NC First Friday Art Walk on May 7th, 5 – 8pm. We’ll be on Valley River Avenue, in front of Exit Realty (old Parker Drug store), across the street from the Murphy Arts Center (MAC). Come out and meet us and learn how you can help make…
November 2022 Meeting Recap
No Dec. CBA meeting. Merry Christmas Next CBA meeting Jan. 19 Greg Beyer opened with a prayer and pledge. Penny Johnson updated on Constitutional Sheriff Seminar planned for our area. A planning committee is in place & a meeting is set with Sheriff Dustin Smith to plan details. Penny introduced guest speaker Dr. Keevin Woody,…
Murphy Square Impeachment Demonstration 9/11
Citizens for a Better America leadership has obtained a permit for the demonstration! RALLY / DEMONSTRATION – Downtown Murphy Square (sidewalks only), Saturday, Sept. 11th, 10AM-NOON, (Patriots Day), Peacefully and patriotically, bring your flags & signs such as “Impeach Biden”, “Biden must go”, “NO MORE!” ….you get the picture! We need a large group to…
There is a meeting of Citizens For A Better America promoting freedom & Constitutional Rights and you are invited. Thursday, March16, Meal orders at 5:00, meeting is at 6:00-7:30 at the Legends Steak House, 42 Tennessee St., Downtown Murphy, NC. We will be in the private meeting room. We have a very special guest from…